Brandon Johnson is the right person to elect for Mayor of Chicago.
We proudly endorse
Daniel La Spata ☑️
For Alderman of the 1st Ward
Óscar Sanchez
For Alderman of the 10th Ward
Ambria Taylor
For Alderwoman of the 11th Ward
Julia Ramirez ☑️
For Alderwoman of the 12th Ward
Paul Bruton
For Alderman of the 13th Ward
Vicko Alvarez
For Alderwoman of the 15th Ward
Jeanette Taylor ☑️
For Alderwoman of the 20th Ward
Mike Rodríguez ☑️
For Alderman of the 22nd Ward
Byron Sigcho Lopez ☑️
For Alderman of the 25th Ward
Warren Williams
For Alderman of the 30th Ward
Rossana Rodríguez ☑️
For Alderwoman of the 33rd Ward
Gilbert Villegas ➡️
For Alderman of the 36th Ward
Denali Dasgupta
For Alderwoman of the 39th Ward
Andre Vasquez ☑️
For Alderman of the 40th Ward
Timmy Knudsen ➡️
For Alderman of the 43rd Ward
Susanna Ernst
For Alderwoman of the 45th Ward
Angela Clay ➡️
For Alderwoman of the 46th Ward
Matt Martin ☑️
For Alderman of the 47th Ward
Isaac Freilich Jones
For Alderman of the 48th Ward
Maria Hadden ☑️
For Alderwoman of the 49th Ward
Mueze Bawany
For Alderman of the 50th Ward