Read Jackie Baez’s responses to the Better Streets Chicago Action Fund survey

What do you believe are the greatest transportation challenges facing the City of Chicago right now?

To mention a few, we have traffic control measures, long commutes, parking challenges, high fleet expenses, inadequate public transit, and a sprawling city.

Do you or members of your family regularly use sidewalks, bike, take transit, drive, or a combination of any/all to get around? Does this correspond with your preferred/ideal modes of getting around? If not, what barriers do you and your family face in using your preferred mode of transportation?

My prefer method of transportation is driving. The barriers we face are the longer commutes specially when we have change of weather.

Can you share a personal experience that changed your opinion about a transportation related policy matter?

It was difficult for me to travel public transit with three children. Having to wait for lengthier amounts of time for the bus, made me realized that more could be done.

Chicago is a snowy city, and even one stretch of uncleared sidewalk can make it impassable – particularly for folks with disabilities, the elderly, and parents with young children. What is your position on implementing a universal city-wide sidewalk snow/ice removal service?

Prioritizing our sidewalks is critical, especially for those with disabilities, elders, and parents with small children. I favor the implementation of a universal city-wide sidewalk snow/ice removal service, as long as the fee do not add an outrageous amount to already exorbitant property taxes.

It is now widely recognized and understood that interstate highways were used to physically divide urban communities from one another – often along racial and class lines. How do you propose we overcome these divisions to restore the urban fabric of Chicago and reconnect our segregated neighborhoods?

Segregation and the availability of affordable housing are inextricably linked. Promoting an integration model in Chicago communities by replacing abandoned sites with new and affordable housing can help residents and newcomers. Raising community marketing knowledge in Chicago areas has the potential to break down stereotypes and eliminate barriers connected with home searches.

What role do you believe transportation plays in Chicago’s collective greenhouse gas emissions, climate responsibility, and overall environmental health?

Public transportation can help a community reduce its environmental impact from transportation while also improving the quality of life for its citizens. Public transportation may help with compact development by preserving land and reducing travel demand, as well as lowering fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to climate change.

What is your position on the Illinois Department of Transportation’s current proposals for rebuilding North DuSable Lake Shore Drive? Do you believe the proposed designs will reduce congestion, improve transit access and make pedestrians and cyclists safer? How do you think the current proposals will impact access to the lakefront?

It will not, in my opinion, reduce traffic congestion. I also feel that IDOT can design a better approach to use the lakefront that is more accommodating to walkers, bicycles, and public transportation.

What barriers do you believe the Illinois Department of Transportation presents to Chicago pursuing better safe streets design standards and transit investments? How do you plan to work with City Council, the Governor, and State legislators to overcome these barriers?

[no response]

The 99-year parking meter deal enacted by former Mayor Richard M. Daley has been a barrier to enacting safe street designs by privatizing large portions of Chicago’s streets. What is your plan to address this?

Furthermore, Chicago has the option of contesting the deal. The city could consider utilizing legal tools such as reserved powers or force majeure to attack its foundation. Using the former, the city can claim that it requires total control over what is presently metered on-street parking in order to carry out its right and obligation to regulate traffic properly.

Studies show us that speed and distracted driving kill. What do you think are the most effective ways to reduce driver speed and increase safe driving behavior?

Signs displaying speed and/or speed restriction signs attempt to focus the driver's attention. Ignoring distractions when driving and maintaining attention on the road are critical to driving safely.

What is your position on the City passing ordinances that attempt to regulate the size, weight, and/or safety features of personal and private vehicles?

I am in favor of the City enacting regulations to control such vehicles.

What is your position on establishing a dedicated funding stream for safe and universal pedestrian and bike infrastructure in Chicago?

I will support and advocate for funding for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.

What is your position on creating select pedestrian-only streets?

Pedestrian-only streets should be located in high-density, mixed-use office or commercial zones with a strong pedestrian population. A lack of people can make certain areas dangerous and uninviting.

What policy solutions would you implement to ensure CTA buses operate on schedule, frequently, and quickly?

Routine schedule adjustments. Adding more operating time to routes, adding additional trips during periods of overcrowding or deleting excursions with low ridership, and modifying departure schedules in response to changes in circumstances along a specific route are examples of such adjustments.

Considering the role the CTA, Metra, and Pace play in providing public transportation within the city, what are your plans to address the impending fiscal cliff – a deficit of over $700 million – that the agencies will be facing in 2025?

Raising rates or reducing service will not fix the situation. We must prioritize the rider experience and regulate the communication about interruptions. Making public transportation safer for all users, enhancing the rider experience, and increasing accessibility.

What is your position on establishing a network of Bus Rapid Transit lines in Chicago?

This, in my opinion, is a fantastic concept. Bus Rapid Transit is one of the fastest expanding modes of public transportation.

Will you commit to securing the funding necessary to implement CTA's plan to become 100% accessible according to ADA standards? (yes/no)
