Read Lisa J. Davis’ (🐴) responses to our 2024 Questionnaire
What types of transportation do you use during an average week, and how has this shaped your view of transportation policy?
I my personal vehicle daily as a means of transportation. I understand that not everyone has the luxury to be able to just get in their vehicle and go. Having my own vehicle makes me more sensitive to observing the folks that are out in frigid temperatures waiting for public transportation, especially when I'm traveling in the same direction and there isn't a bus in sight.
What are some transportation challenges in your district?
Some transportation challenges in my district are the frequency, reliability, and safety, or lack thereof, for public transportation such as Chicago Transit Authority (bus and train) and Pace. Another transportation challenge is the rising cost of fares.
How can the State of Illinois address the impending combined $700 million fiscal cliff facing the CTA, Metra, and Pace in a way that ensures sustained and adequate funding for the future?
We have to start thinking of new, innovative, long lasting, and equitable revenue generating ideas in order to tackle this issue. In the meantime, we have to increase taxes on the individuals on the higher end of the totem pole to start making up for these deficits.
A federal rule allows for states to flex up to 50% of federal highway funds towards transit instead. New Jersey currently flexes 15%, and California flexes 12% compared to Illinois at just under 3%. Would you make any changes to this amount, and if so why?
Absolutely. I would suggest increasing the amount to, at least, 12%-15% in order to keep our economy working and growing.
The Illinois Department of Transportation (“IDOT”) plays a significant role in transportation throughout the state and in Chicago. What is your opinion on their relationship with the Chicago Department of Transportation, local communities, and the impact that has?
I would hope IDOT has or is working towards building a strong partnership with CDOT in order to adequately address the safety needs of local communities as it relates to providing for safe local roads and state routes for all of Illinois.
How do you view the Illinois General Assembly’s role in setting IDOT’s priorities for public transit, passenger rail, and strengthening accessibility in transportation?
I believe the General Assembly plays a vital role in making sure that IDOT's priorities support safe public transit that is also environmentally sound by enacting legislation that mandates IDOT to adhere to these policies and providing for sanctions when IDOT deviates from these priorities.
What is your position on IDOT’s current proposals for rebuilding North Du Sable Lake Shore Drive?
The current proposals are acceptable as long as it prioritizes bus lanes and provides for additional greenspace.